Thursday, December 5, 2019

Should Tobacco Companies Be Held Responsible free essay sample

Should tobacco companies be held responsible for smoking-related illnesses and deaths? I. Introduction A. Should tobacco companies be held responsible for smoking related illnesses? In most cases I believe they should be held liable. Most Americans ask this question and want to know about cigarette companies and why they are allowed to keep selling these products that cause health problems. B. Most people that were smokers way back in the days before they actually had to label their products as unsafe and deadly. In the 70’s it was legal to purchase cigarettes as a teenager and the companies knew that their product was dangerous. Especially since minors were able to purchase these deadly products, they should be held accountable for those that began smoking in their teenage years and were sold to with the reassurance from the company and the government. II. Are the people responsible for their actions. A. Should the people make the sound choice to buy cigarettes who know the risk of smoking be held accountable for their health issues. We will write a custom essay sample on Should Tobacco Companies Be Held Responsible or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I believe it is called free will in this point being that people today know the repercussions of smoking. B. The fact that all tobacco companies today have to label the warnings on their products and people still make that choice to light up The general public has been well educated about the health risks of smoking, so people who smoke are fully informed about the possible consequences of their habit. Where will that lead our society, more than likely people will try and sue fast food companies for making them fat; trending on down to point the finger at all these companies for the bad choices they made. C. The people that actually started smoking before the surgeon general made these companies put warnings on their products; these people on the other hand did not know the facts about the health issues from smoking. In my eyes these people have every right to be angry or disgruntled with Big tobacco. These people are the victims of our society because they on the other hand like the present were not as informed of the health issues caused from smoking. So they should not be held liable because of these companies getting rich from other peoples suffering. III. Are the companies lying to the public. A. Do tobacco companies oversell and manipulate their products in order for consumers to keep smoking and should the government step in to control their habit? The tobacco industries have to put these labels because the government makes them do so. So now they have to make their product more appealing to offset their outcome of consuming their product. B. Tobacco companies are an evil industry and it’s not surprising they shredded documents to cover up strategic actions for addicting people to their cancer sticks. They try and promote their product as sexy but would rather make a buck from the deadly outcome from smoking their product.

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